Fast and accurate tool for estimating genomic distances between genome-skims
You can find the data referenced in the paper here with the individual links as follows:
Cotesia vestalis and mutated copies at a range of coverages from 1/8X to 16X:
Six pairs of insects at a range of coverages from 1/8X to 8X:
Six pairs of birds at a range of coverages from 1/8X to 8X:
22 Anopheles genomes, 100Mb sequence from each genome:
22 Anopheles genomes, with random amount of sequence chosen among 100Mb, 500Mb, and 1Gb from each genome:
21 Drosophila genomes, 100Mb sequence from each genome:
21 Drosophila genomes, with random amount of sequence chosen among 100Mb, 500Mb, and 1Gb from each genome:
47 avian genomes, 100Mb sequence from each genome:
47 avian genomes, with random amount of sequence chosen among 100Mb, 500Mb, and 1Gb from each genome: